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After 2 Million Views, this Detailing Video of a Gross Mercedes Might be the Most Satisfying on the Web

Detailing a vehicle is definitely an art and a science that is very particular in nature. Just because you’re driving around a car that appears clean to you, a detailer might see things a little bit differently. When you spend all day looking at cars and correcting their every last flaw, inside and out, you probably tend to see things in a more exaggerated fashion. For example, those swirl marks on your quarter panels might not necessarily bother you but, to a detailer, you might as well total the entire vehicle if you’re going to drive it around like that.

In this one, we check out a ride that is a complete mess, no matter who is looking at it. I don’t think that anyone would look at this car and consider it clean by any stretch of the imagination which is a shame because back in its day, this 1982 Mercedes-Benz 190E was probably a sight for sore eyes. However, as it has been neglected and left to sit over the years, it’s now covered in all kinds of scum and dirt that really needs to be done away with. Therefore, it would make a rather good project for a couple of detailing students to tackle, inside and out, to use their talents and some different products to try and bring this thing back to life.

Follow along in the video from the “Detail King” YouTube channel down below that shows off some of the techniques and different products and tools that they will use to detail a car from top to bottom in the best way that they know how. If you thought that your car was bad, just look at how disgusting this Mercedes was when it fell into their hands and how awesome it looked when they were done with it. There something about this video outside of the educational nature that is just so satisfying to watch as well. Seeing that canvas, that was once a mess, cleaned up and brought back to life is oh so incredible to witness.