Someone Call Guinness, This Has to be the Record for Biggest Highway Pile-Up
If you live in one of the more precarious winter regions, if you get affected by poor weather, it can really get bad at times. With the wrong mix of factors, elements like black ice can pop up, coming from out of nowhere and absolutely stunning you when you go to hit your brakes and discover that your wheels are skidding along the top of the road. It’s certainly not a situation that you want to be involved in as it can very quickly lead to danger. There’s really no preparing for it and once you run into it, there really isn’t too much that you can do, either.
In the situation, there isn’t too much detail provided but if we were to make an educated guess, we would probably guess the black ice had to do something with this parking lot on the highway. A phrase that people will use when they’re talking about traffic might be saying that they’re stuck in a “parking lot” at rush hour but this literally looks like one big jumbled up parking lot as hit by a tornado, of sorts, that has cars going in every which direction with nowhere to move. I’m not even sure how situation gets to this point but It appears as if one thing really led to another as cars continued to make their way down the highway, locking up their brakes as they discovered the clot of cars in front of them and therefore, making it into an even bigger situation.
If you follow along with the video down below, you’ll be able to get an on location look at exactly what this massive highway pile up, one that we might even go so far as calling the biggest highway wreck ever, looks like on the spot. You have to feel for these people as it really looks like they got tied up in a situation that was beyond their control and it really turned into a bad day for all parties involved.