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Man Tries to Run Over Snowman That Was Built Around a Tree Stump, Instant Karma

Sometimes, we run into stories that just end up baffling us. For example, we aren’t sure who would drive around, looking for a snowman to run over. The individual behind such a stunt would have to be a real Scrooge. However, these people are real and they’re wandering around on earth trying to wreak havoc on innocent snowmen.

This time, though, the snowman in question was a little bit bigger than most and when the person in question attempted to run into it, they would quickly find that this was probably a bad idea. Apparently, the truck in question attempted to drive into and plow over the massive snowman. However, they would soon after we greeted with the fact that frosty was built upon a pretty large tree stump. That definitely had to leave quite a bit of damage to the aggressor here.

The builders of the snowman say that they really have no idea who targeted their frosty. However, the unwelcome visitor was surely in for some instant karma and an unwelcome treat. I don’t care what kind of vehicle you have, driving it straight into a massive tree stump like this is a sure-fire way to end up with something broken.

By following along with the news report below, we’re able to catch up with the people behind the snowman as they tell the story. If this is one lesson to anybody, it’s probably just to mind your own business. Being destructive is not going to end up being good for anybody. This time, it turns out that the stunt backfired big-time.

As an aside, we aren’t claiming that this one is staged or anything like that but just maybe someone pulled a fast one on an excited news crew. At the end of the day, we can’t help but wonder who would drive on someone’s yard, right up to their house to try to run over a snowman.