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1000 HP Durango Shocks Lamborghini Aventador

If there’s one thing that we definitely can’t get enough of, it’s an unsuspecting sleeper. There’s just something special about watching a vehicle go much faster than most people expect that can really wake you up in the morning.

Thanks to the folks over at Dodge, the idea of the sleeper becoming more and more possible by the second. Since it seems as if the crew over there is as big of horsepower lovers as we are, they have decided to shove their most powerful platform into pretty much everything that they have.

With that, we see the lakes of the Hellcat-powered Dodge Durango come to life. That’s right, for those who aren’t acquainted, there is a full-size family SUV that has been combined with over 700 hp for soccer moms and dads to play with. Oh yeah and it can be bought straight from a Dodge dealer.

Even though 707 hp is incredibly impressive, for some among us, it just isn’t enough. Therefore, the crew over at Hennessey Performance decided that they would take it upon themselves to turn up the volume knob on the Hellcat Durango a little bit more. That’s right, instead of just 700 hp, this bad boy is making 1000 hp.

The 1000 hp mark is one the definitely gets thrown around a lot on the Internet but it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly at all.

By following along with the video down below, we get to see exactly how a 1000 horsepower family hauler stacks up against the likes of one of the most impressive production cars that Lamborghini has ever put together. That’s right, in this one, Hennessey is putting a couple of monsters up against one another as the Lamborghini Aventador steps up to the plate to try and defend its honor.

Who will come out on top? Well, there’s only one way to find that out!