Luxurious Super Patrol Cars for a Luxurious City
Luxurious Super Patrol Cars for a Luxurious City
Generally speaking, police here in the United States go for the most economical vehicles available that will still be able to carry out their function and do what they need to do.
In Dubai, things aren’t so similar. When we’re able to see what the cops over there are rolling around in, our jaws drop to the floor. We assume that these cars belong to the force because of various seizures, but in America, it would still call for the taxpayers to be just a little upset.
Check out the video below that shows everything from a Nissan GT-R to an Audi R8 to a Mercedes AMG that’s to die for. Maybe they’re trying to convince people that Dubai is a great place to spend your money… What do you think the Dubai police are up to with this video?
Dubai is notorious for their flagrant spending. Check out this patrol Bugatti in depth.