Pawn Stars: 1966 Dodge Charger with Hemi Engine… How Much?
When it comes to automobiles, the community has a really funny way of having different facets within the same car that can really make or break it.We are talking big time as sometimes, simply having one option or another might mean that a car loses $50,000 in value and potentially, even a lot more. You could see how in cars begin to skyrocket in value getting into the six-figure dollar range and beyond, how they can fluctuate in price like this, and this time, we look at an example of one of those cars as the Pawn Stars crew takes another opportunity to take a trip down the road of the extravagant, finding a car that’s worth some real money and simple factors about it might make it worth even more.
The topic of discussion here is none other than a 1966 Dodge Charger. Basically, the premise behind the whole thing is that if the car has an original numbers matching Hemi engine, it might be worth a pretty penny, however, in this case, it seems to get a little bit confusing as to just how pretty that penny actually is. The simple fact of whether or not this vehicle participated in a NASCAR race in its heyday could double the value from somewhere in the $50-$60,000 range all the way up to the asking price of $135,000.
If you follow along town of the video below, you’ll be able to catch up with the car for yourself and see what, at a bare minimum, is an incredibly clean an original example of a pretty badass car. Whether or not this car will crack the six-figure range, though, is still up for debate. After checking out this video, be sure to tell us what you think the car will end up being worth when it finally finds a new owner.