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Semi carrying military tank destroyed by train in new video

An 18-wheeler carrying a mobile artillery vehicle was struck by a train Thursday afternoon at a railroad crossing in Goose Creek, South Carolina (Credit: Jennifer Clinton)

A Shocking Scene Unfolds in Goose Creek

In a heart-stopping event that left onlookers gasping, a freight train collided with a semi-truck carrying a military tank in Goose Creek, South Carolina. The incident, captured on video, unfolded when the truck driver tried to bypass a railroad crossing barrier and got stuck on the tracks. What followed was a high-speed, high-impact collision that demolished the military vehicle and left the railroad crossing gate in tatters.

Amazingly, despite the violent crash, no one was injured. The truck driver managed to escape the vehicle just seconds before the train smashed into the semi. But the aftermath speaks volumes about the destructive force of a train in motion, especially when a massive military howitzer is involved. Let’s dive into the details of this dramatic accident and explore why this incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by railroad crossings.

The Incident: Train vs. Semi – A Destructive Collision

It was a regular day in Goose Creek until a semi-truck, loaded with a U.S. military M109 howitzer tank, approached a railroad crossing. The truck was hauling the heavy artillery on a lowboy trailer—a flatbed trailer designed to carry oversized loads. When the driver reached the crossing, the barriers were down, signaling an oncoming train. Rather than waiting for the train to pass, the driver attempted to maneuver around the barriers.

Unfortunately, this risky decision backfired. As the truck crossed the tracks, it became stuck, unable to clear the low clearance. With the train approaching fast, the driver faced a terrifying reality: he had moments to escape. Abandoning the semi, the driver jumped out of the cab and sprinted away, leaving the massive military load stranded in the path of the oncoming train.

Within seconds, disaster struck. The freight train slammed into the semi, obliterating both the truck and the military tank it carried. Eyewitness video captured the heart-pounding moment when the locomotive smashed into the howitzer, sending debris flying and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The sheer force of the impact not only destroyed the truck and tank but also severely damaged the railroad crossing gate.

Narrow Escape: The Driver’s Miraculous Survival

For the truck driver, it was a close call that could have ended tragically. Video footage shows the driver jumping out of the cab and running for his life, barely five seconds before the train hit. His decision to act swiftly in those final moments likely saved his life. The freight train, moving at full speed, collided with the semi and howitzer with such force that the vehicle and military tank stood no chance.

Miraculously, despite the chaos and destruction, the driver walked away unharmed. He refused medical treatment, according to reports, a testament to his incredible escape. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of railroad crossing safety, especially when carrying such heavy and oversized cargo. The driver’s near brush with death highlights just how quickly things can go wrong when split-second decisions are made around trains.

The M109 Howitzer: A Heavyweight in the Crash

The military tank involved in this collision wasn’t just any vehicle—it was an M109 howitzer, a self-propelled artillery piece designed for long-range firepower. Weighing in at over 25 tons, the M109 is no small load to haul across a railroad crossing. Its sheer size and weight were likely contributing factors in why the truck became stuck on the tracks.

Designed for durability on the battlefield, the M109 howitzer is built to withstand harsh conditions. However, in this scenario, it faced an entirely different kind of force. The impact of a speeding train proved too much even for this military behemoth, as the crash left it utterly destroyed. The sight of a military-grade vehicle being decimated by a train was a shocking visual for those witnessing the event.

Railroad Crossings: A Dangerous Gamble

Railroad crossings are notorious for being deceptively dangerous. Despite the safety measures in place, such as barriers, lights, and warning bells, incidents like this one continue to occur. Truck drivers, in particular, face unique challenges at railroad crossings, especially when hauling oversized or heavy loads like military tanks.

In this case, the decision to attempt to navigate around the railroad crossing barrier was a gamble—and one that didn’t pay off. The lowered gate is there for a reason: to keep vehicles off the tracks and out of harm’s way. Ignoring those warnings can lead to disastrous consequences, as seen in Goose Creek. The train, unable to stop in time, plowed through the truck, leading to a devastating crash that could have easily resulted in fatalities.

A Miraculous Outcome: No Injuries Reported

What makes this story even more remarkable is the fact that, despite the severity of the crash, no one was hurt. The driver’s quick thinking and ability to escape the truck just seconds before impact undoubtedly saved his life. Witnesses, including the person who filmed the dramatic footage, watched in shock as the train collided with the semi, but there were no injuries reported.

This outcome is nothing short of a miracle. Trains are massive machines, capable of incredible destructive force, and in this case, they demolished both the semi and the military tank it carried. But thanks to a combination of quick reflexes and sheer luck, no one was caught in the destruction.

The Aftermath: Damage to the Crossing and Tank

While the truck driver escaped unscathed, the same couldn’t be said for the military tank or the railroad infrastructure. The M109 howitzer, a critical piece of U.S. military equipment, was completely destroyed in the collision. This type of vehicle, designed for combat, is built to withstand explosions and artillery fire—yet it was no match for a speeding freight train.

Additionally, the crash caused significant damage to the railroad crossing gate. The impact bent and broke the barriers designed to protect vehicles from entering the tracks. It’s unclear how long it will take to repair the crossing, but the damage serves as a reminder of the high cost of ignoring safety measures at railroad crossings.

A Lesson in Safety: The Risks of Ignoring Railroad Barriers

This crash serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that railroad crossings pose, especially when drivers ignore the barriers and warnings. The semi-truck driver’s decision to attempt navigating around the railroad crossing gate was a risky move that nearly cost him his life. Railroad crossings are designed with safety in mind, and ignoring them can lead to devastating consequences.

In this case, the military tank and truck were destroyed, but the driver was lucky enough to escape unhurt. The outcome could have been far worse. For anyone operating heavy machinery or hauling oversized loads, this incident highlights the importance of following the rules of the road—especially when it comes to railroad crossings.

Train Collisions: A Deadly Force on the Tracks

When a train and a vehicle collide, the results are rarely minor. Trains are massive, heavy machines that require a significant amount of time and distance to come to a stop. Even when traveling at relatively low speeds, trains carry enough momentum to cause catastrophic damage.

In this incident, the freight train was traveling fast enough that it obliterated a military-grade vehicle with ease. The power and speed of the train left no chance for the truck or tank to survive the impact. The event underscores just how dangerous trains can be, especially when obstacles, like a semi-truck, block their path.

Conclusion: A Close Call and a Wake-Up Call

The Goose Creek train crash, while dramatic and destructive, could have ended in tragedy if not for the driver’s quick escape. His near miss serves as a reminder of the power and speed of trains and the importance of respecting railroad crossing barriers. The destruction of the military tank and truck highlights the risks involved when vehicles get stuck on tracks, especially oversized loads like the M109 howitzer.

This incident should serve as a wake-up call for drivers, especially those operating large vehicles, to always follow safety protocols at railroad crossings. While the driver walked away unscathed this time, the next driver might not be so lucky. It’s crucial to respect the barriers, heed the warnings, and avoid taking unnecessary risks when approaching railroad tracks. Photo Credit – Jennifer Clinton/TMX , Via – Foxnews.