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When Will it Pop? Innertube Gets Pushed to its Limit!

If you work in some kind of service place like a tire shop, you probably know that some times are slower than others and either yourself or your coworkers will come up with ways to fill that time.

Whether or not some of the ideas concocted in order to fill that time are smart or not is irrelevant, it’s the fun factor that counts, right?

This time, we check out a group of workers who decided to make use of an innertube by experimenting with just how much air they could force into it.

When this thing grows and expands to be huge and overinflated, one of the workers got bored with it and decided to stab it in the side, sending another guy who was sitting on it to the ground!

Check out the video below and tell us your best tale of bored shop shenanigans after you get done laughing about how you can relate to what these guys just did we know that we sure can.

