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Thats An Odd Moisturizer Mask… Diesel To The Face Can’t Be Good For You!

We’ve heard of the method of plugging off the end of the exhaust in order to “test for leaks,” but we weren’t sure the anybody actually took this method seriously as it always seemed to be more of a joke than it was a legitimate diagnostic undertaking. Apparently, the single video that we saw using this method has managed to catch on as yet another mechanic plugs off the exhaust of a running car while sitting behind it and the results are something that I don’t think too many people would want to go through, hence why we always saw this kind of thing as being more of a joke.

It looks like the exhaust here is functioning perfectly fine as the man attempts to cover up the tip and ends up getting a face full of soot, showing off the idea that this plan is about as big of a backfire as it gets, at least if you ask the man sitting behind the car as black smoke blows all over his face. If you ask his buddies, though, you’d probably get more of a tone of success as you can hear them all laughing pretty hard in the background at their friend’s expense. Personally, I think I would be right there next to them if I were on the scene here!

Check out the scene below as the guy pulls the cover off of the exhaust and goes home with a face full of soot. We wouldn’t call this the most practical way of testing the exhaust for leaks but it does manage to give everyone a good laugh. After following along with the pretty foolish display below, tell us what you think of this type of a backyard mechanic mess that really looks to have covered this guy from head to toe!